在IMS,我們的老師會在一個完備、充滿學習動機及歡樂的課室中幫助您孩子的自然發展, 從而創造出終身自主學習者。我們能夠提供一個真正獨特的學習環境,您的孩子能夠自由地探索及從中發現學習的美妙之處。 IMS成立於2002年,我們的目標是能讓每個孩子在一個有關懷的,支持的,尊重的和雙語學習的團體中充分發展自己的才能。 IMS提供了最高質的教育,使每個孩子都能以自己的步伐成長並能發揮自己的最大潛能。
At IMS, our teachers support your child’s natural development in classrooms which are hands-on, and joyful, creating a lifelong learner. We are able to provide a truly unique learning environment where your child can explore and discover the wonders of learning. Established in 2002, our goal at IMS is to enable each child to fully develop their own individual talents within a caring, supportive, respectful, and bilingual learning community. IMS provides the highest quality education possible enabling each child to move at his or her own pace and to reach their own highest potential.