「狀學堂」為ABC集團旗下的英語學習中心, 集團具19年教學經驗,於本港及海外擁有國際幼稚園及大型英語學習中心ABC Pathways School,去年更獲「劍橋英語考試局」委任為「官方考試中心」
ABC集團具15年教學經驗,旗下教育機構 ABC Pathways School 及狀學堂,共有17間分校。集團亦於本港及海外擁有國際幼稚園ABC Pathways International Kindergarten。我們更獲「劍橋英語考試局」委任為「官方考試中心」,奠定高質素英語教學的專業地位。
作為ABC集團的一份子,「狀學堂」乃承傳 ABC Pathways School 十多年來的教學精髓,配合創新的 「Happy Learning 快樂學習」 教學法,在無催逼下讓小朋友自覺地愛上學習,輕鬆達至卓越的成績,為家長帶來「Wow」一聲的學習成效!
加盟熱線 Franchise:2110-4965
"Juniorversity" hopes to blend the western teaching approach into the Chinese education culture. This is to provide an "East meets West" learning setting that is filled with creativity and inspiration, nurturing the "Number One Scholar" (in the imperial examination) - the very best in the new generation.
As a new division of the ABC Group, "Juniorversity" continues to extend the ABC Pathways School's educational fusion called “Happy Learning”, which delivers the material in a relaxed, yet exciting environment to encourage learning initiatives and yield outstanding results - producing a "Wow" from parents.