【SES社區活動 - 社創追月記2021 共融體驗日:「同理.童你」歷奇大賽」】
見到香港運動員喺東京殘奧好努力咁突破自己,真係令人好感動!今年社企民間高峰會將於9月22日舉辦「社創追月記2021 – 共融體驗日:同理.童你」歷奇大賽」,希望小朋友可以透過90分鐘嘅歷奇活動,同家人互相合作完成唔同任務,親身體驗身體殘障嘅朋友嘅需要。活動嘅優勝組合更可以嬴到高達$1500如心酒店餐飲禮券。記得叫埋屋企人同朋友一齊嚟玩喇,活動費用全免㗎!
比賽時間: (A組) 10:30 –12:00 / (B組)12:00 – 13:30
【SESatCommunity – Mid-Autumn Social Innovation Experience: Adventure Competition for Social Inclusion 】
Join the Adventure Competition for Social Inclusion and get dining vouchers up to $1,500 from Nina Hotel Group!
It is so exciting and touching to see Hong Kong athletes have strived to surpass themselves and achieved remarkable results in Tokyo Paralympic! Social Enterprise Summit will organise an Adventure Competition for Social Inclusion in the “Mid-Autumn Social Innovation Experience” on 22 Sep to let public experience the needs of people with disability through a 90-minutes adventure. Families of 2-4 people are welcome to join the competition for free. Participating teams may get dining vouchers up to $1500 from Nina Hotel Group as winning prizes. Please invite your family members and friends to join!
Event Details
Date: 22/9/2021 (Wednesday)
Location: VESSEL 03, 86 Hoi Bun Road, Kwun Tong
Competition: (Group A) 10:30 – 12:00 / (Group 12:00 – 13:30
Target: Family with 2-4 people
Quota: 24 families for each group
Registration Deadline: 16/9/2021 (Thursday)
Registration: https://forms.gle/XLLqr3qcSN9cyzC99
Event Details: https://bit.ly/3tmb0Lx