MAGART is an international learning community that provides a holistic education through focus on balance, academic achievement, development of character, etiquette and life skills. Our international curriculum adopts enhanced EYFS with strong influence and inspiration from Reggio Emilia and inquiry approach for children from 6 months to 6 years old.
At MAGART, we believe that every children is unique. Our children have 100 languages and 100 ways to explore and express themselves. We respect and empower our children to self-direct their learning, encouraging and enabling them to be communicators, thinkers and investigators as they navigate and create their extraordinary learning experience!
瑪歌瑞特致力為6個月至6歲的幼兒提供一個優質全人發展的國際學習社群,我們著重培育幼兒生活技能、學術及修養兼備,崇禮尚教,以達至孩子全方位均衡發展,為日後發展奠定良好基礎。本校的國際課程採用優化的英國早期基礎教育 (EYFS),同時深受意大利瑞吉歐教育理念 (Reggio Emilia Approach)及探究式學習 (Inquiry Approach) 的啟發和影響。
在瑪歌瑞特,我們深信每個孩子都是獨一無二的,他們是天生學習者,有著一百種語言、探索及表達方式。我們尊重孩子,啟發孩子成為勤於思考 、善於交流及積極探究的主動學習者,並創建一個不一樣的奇妙與成長!
School Mission
MAGART promotes personalised learning and whole child development by learning through play-based and self-directed learning, hands on and practical experiences, sensory discovery and exploration.